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HDI Sigorta’s Agency Council met online
HDI Sigorta organized an online meeting with the members of
its Agency Council which consists of agents with high produc-
tion volume and profitability across Turkey.
Organized to exchange opinions and celebrate the achieve-
ments of agents that served the sector for long years and
reached their production and profitability targets; the meet-
ing was held online with the aim of protecting the agents and
employees during these days, as it is highly important to stay
at home.
HDI Sigorta organized the meeting on 22 April with the par-
ticipation of 57 council members and agents, and evaluated
the recent developments in the sector and country. During the
meeting, agents had a chance to share their expectations about General Manager of HDI Sigorta, underlined the importance
business processes, customer feedbacks and solution proposals of not erring on the side of caution and continuing to buy in-
with the representatives from HDI Sigorta; and the compa- surance. “We are working tirelessly to help our agents and
ny announced the details of Support Package for May which policyholders get over these days with minimal loss. You are
was prepared against Covid-19 outbreak. Ceyhan Hancıoğlu, our greatest support in this process. We wish to meet in good
days soon,” he said.
Anadolu Sigorta offers its agents a chance to create their own campaigns
With the “Advantageous Prod- to make it easier for our agents to join campaigns and in-
ucts Package” (KÜP) mod- crease their profits. As agents are in close contact with policy-
ule, Anadou Sigorta offers its holders and know their needs and expectations very well, they
agents a chance to create their will be able to create campaigns that best fit their portfolios
own campaigns. This is a first and manage their own targets via KÜP. This will help agents
in Turkey as agents will be reach their targets more easily. As the first of its kind in Tur-
able to create their campaigns key, our application already receives very positive feedbacks
via ‘Ofisim Cepte’ (My Office from Anadolu Sigorta agents,” she said.
in My Pocket) application on
their mobile phones. Anadolu Sigorta is always there for their agents with
Ofisim Cepte
Anadolu Sigorta has broken
another new ground in Tur- Anadolu Sigorta has renewed its “Ofisim Cepte” application
key and launched an applica- in order to respond to its agents’ daily mobile requirements
tion which helps agents create in the easiest and most accurate way and to offer them a
their own campaigns with “Advantageous Products Package” simpler and more understandable user experience. The new
(KÜP). Enabling Anadolu Sigorta agents to join campaigns “Ofisim Cepte” application also provides access to “Advan-
effectively, KÜP also allows agents to select campaign tar- tageous Products Package” module; and helps Anadolu Sig-
gets and rewards for reaching those targets. “Advantageous orta Agents reach main production systems, collect ASPARA
Products Package” module can easily be accessed via “Ofisim points, and review their monthly performance cards.
Cepte” application. Thanks to the application, agents will be
able to choose the products to include in the campaign, de- Moreover, Anadolu Sigorta agents will also be able to ac-
termine the targets and rewards, and regularly follow-up the cess target analysis, general production report and produc-
campaign results during the term using their mobile phones. tion commission list, be informed about several developments
about their requirements and reach different products. In
Filiz Tiryakioğlu, Assistant General Manager at Anadolu Sig- short, Anadolu Sigorta agents will enjoy the privilege of mov-
orta, underlined that the application brings many advantages ing their offices to their mobile phones.
for agents. “We expect the ‘Advantageous Products Package’