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      Hakan Cebeci appointed as the Acting General Manager of Halk Hayat ve Emeklilik

      Hakan Cebeci was appointed as the Acting General Manager  insurance software prod-
      and Board Member of Halk Hayat ve Emeklilik.           ucts, as a system analyst
                                                             between 1999 and 2000.
      A significant change of duties occurred in the senior manage-  He worked as IT Vice
      ment team of Halk Hayat ve Emeklilik. Following the resigna-  President between 2000
      tion of Ömer Faruk Öztürk, former General Manager, Hakan  and 2013. After that, he
      Cebeci (former Assistant General Manager) was appointed as  worked as Information
      the Acting General Manager and Board Member.           Technology  Manager at
                                                             Halk Hayat ve Emeklilik
      23 years of experience in the market                   A.Ş. until 2018, when he
                                                             was  appointed  as  Exec-
      Born in İstanbul in 1973, Hakan Cebeci studied Mathemat-  utive  Vice  President  of
      ics at Mimar Sinan University. He began his career at Halk  Information Technolo-
      Yaşam  Sigorta  in  1997  as  Personal  Assurance  Consultant,  gies, Operations and Human Resources. As of 16 March 2020,
      and worked as Financial Consultant at Avivasa Hayat ve Eme-  he has been appointed as Acting General Manager and Board
      klilik  between  1998  and  1999.  He  was  then  transferred  to  Member. He is married with one daughter.
      U&G Consultancy, a company that produced non-life and life

       AXA supports the fight against COVID-19

                                     AXA  Sigorta  provides  “During the COVID-19 outbreak which was declared a pandemic
                                     support  for  vaccination  by the World Health Organization, our first priority was to en-
                                     researches, teams that are  sure the safety of our colleagues and take necessary actions to
                                     working on diagnostics  continue serving our customers and distribution channels during
                                     and treatments, and infor-  these difficult times. As of 12 March 2020, we have initiated our
                                     mation sharing platforms  remote working system to ensure that all our employees can work
                                     of medical centers within  from their homes, and we have rapidly adapted to this system.
                                     the  scope  of  fight  against  We are working tirelessly to ensure that our policyholders can
                                     COVID-19 which was de-  receive the services they require uninterruptedly. With our target
                                     clared as a pandemic by  of being a real solution partner rather than being a company that
                                     the  World  Health  Organi-  only pays compensations, we are offering services that will sup-
                                     zation.                 port our customers in social isolation such as on-site towing and
                                                             on-site glass changing services.
                                     As the world’s leading in-
                                     surance company, AXA is  AXA Sigorta has decided to pay for the treatment costs of our
       taking necessary steps to contribute to global fight against COV-  customers  who  are  diagnosed  positive  for  COVID-19 through
       ID-19 which was declared as a pandemic by the World Health  our private and complementary health insurance policies, despite
       Organization. AXA Research Fund has committed to support In-  the fact that pandemics are exceptional clauses in our contracts.
       stitut Pasteur’s research and vaccination studies with 5 million  AXA Group has been conducting significant studies since the first
       EUR, and also supports the Open COVID-19 initiative by JOGL  day of this pandemic. We are funding research & development
       (Just One Giant Lab), an open source platform joined by more  and information sharing activities both in our country and on a
       than  3,000  contributors  including  engineers,  researchers  and  global scale. 7 billion TL donated to the “Bizbize Yeteriz” cam-
       computer scientists working in open source mode to develop solu-  paign by us and other members of the TSB (Insurance Associa-
       tions in diagnostics, therapy and treatment.  AXA provides global  tion of Turkey) is a beautiful example of this fact. On the other
       financial support for Fund 101, an organization that federates  hand, we have partnered with platform via
       1,204 intensive care units across 60 countries including Turkey  our social responsibility platform “AXA Tüm Kalplerde”; and
       to share and accelerate improvements in therapeutic protocols.  prepared small motivational packages for healthcare profes-
       Fund 101 is designed to foster information sharing and collabo-  sionals. Packages were distributed in Çapa Medical Faculty and
       ration between the units in order to improve treatment protocols  Bakırköy State Hospital that incorporate COVID-19 units. We
       in real time and reduce mortality rates. The organization works  believe we will overcome these difficult times by supporting each
       to ensure that healthcare professionals can reach the information  other,” said Yavuz Ölken, CEO of AXA Sigorta.
       and experience they need in a much more efficient and rapid way.
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