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Dear Readers,
For the May issue of Turkinsurance, we have prepared an is- At the end of the first quarter of this year, total number of
sue full of news, articles, analyses and researches to shed light participants in BES reached 6 million 908 thousand people,
on Turkish insurance and pension markets. 6 million 158 thousand of which joined via auto-enrollment
(OKS). On the other hand, total fund size reached 15 billion
COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global crisis in health and 496 million USD; and only 1 billion 322 million USD were
economy, and it deeply impacts insurance activities in Turkey accumulated by the auto-enrollment participants.
and the rest of world. While the insurance market re-exam-
ines its methods of operation in order to heal some wounds This month, our Country Profile section covers France. You
caused by the pandemic, changing demands of customers can have a general idea France’s general economic condition
cause a shrinkage of demands for insurance. its progress and insurance rates by reading this report.
At the end of 2020 Q1, volume of total premiums written in Hope to meet with the next issue
Turkish insurance market reached 3 billion 312 million USD.
Liability insurance got the biggest share from production with Your sincerely
25.14%, while life insurance saw the highest premium growth