Page 25 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 25


       Equity growth of Maher Holding Insurance Group reported as 160% for 2019

                                      Levent  Uluçeçen,  CEO  to grow. “Total equity of Maher Yatırım Holding’s Insurance
                                      of Maher Holding, stat-  Group  reached  246.2  million  TL  as  of  31.12.2019.  Quick
                                      ed that Quick Sigorta  Sigorta, first insurance investment of our Group, increased
                                      and Corpus Sigorta,  its equity worth up to 209.9 million TL, while Corpus Sigor-
                                      subsidiaries of Maher  ta’s equity reached 36.2 million TL.
                                      Holding, grew substan-
                                      tially in terms of equi-  Saying that equity growth is one of the most important indi-
                                      ty value. “According to  cators of healthy growth and structure for companies, Levent
                                      the financial results for  Uluçeçen added: “According to 2018 financial results Quick
                                      2018, Quick Sigorta had  Sigorta had an equity worth of 81.8 million TL, and Corpus
                                      an equity worth of 81.8  Sigorta of 12.9 million TL, bringing the overall equity of the
                                      million  TL,  and  Corpus  Group to 94.7 million TL. Compared to those results, Quick
       Sigorta of 12.9 million TL, bringing the overall equity of the  Sigorta increased its equity by 157%, and Corpus Sigorta
       Group to 94.7 million TL. Compared to those results, Quick  by 181%. Therefore, overall equity of our insurance group
       Sigorta increased its equity by 157%, and Corpus Sigorta  reached 246.2 million TL in 2019, growing by 160%.”
       by 181%. Therefore, overall equity of our insurance group
       reached 246.2 million TL in 2019, growing by 160%,” he  Underlining that their Group achieved a high equity growth
       said.                                                 with  160%,  Levent  Uluçeçen  said:  “Despite  all  the  chal-
                                                             lenging  circumstances,  we  will  keep  working  during  2020
       Levent Uluçeçen, CEO of Maher Holding, said both insurance  towards increasing our equity to even higher rates than in
       companies performed very well in 2019 in term of structuring  2019. I would like to thank all my colleagues who had a role
       and growth. He said Quick Sigorta managed to own leader-  in this achievement. Maher Holding’s target for 2020 is to
       ship positions in some insurance lines and types; while Corpus  raise the equity of Quick Sigorta from 246.2 million TL to
       Sigorta quickly finalized its restructuring and already began  750 million TL.”

        Big step from Turkey Wealth Fund

       “Within the scope of the project that includes the consolida-  about these transactions
       tion of insurance companies owned by government Lenders  can  be  found  at  Public
       under a single roof, shares of Güneş Sigorta AŞ, Halk Sigorta  Disclosure  Platform  an-
       AŞ, Ziraat Sigorta AŞ, Vakıf Emeklilik ve Hayat AŞ, Halk  nouncements made by
       Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ, and Ziraat Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ  T.C. Ziraat Bankası AŞ,
       that were previously owned by government Lenders and other  Türkiye  Halk  Bankası
       related parties were acquired by Turkey Wealth Fund Finan-  AŞ,  Türkiye  Vakıflar
       cial Investment Company.                              Bankası TAO, and above-
                                                             mentioned insurance and
       Press release by Turkey Wealth Fund said:             pension companies.

       “With  our  press  release  on  13  December  2019,  Turkey  This step marks the completion of the initial phase of our pro-
       Wealth Fund had announced the project to consolidate the  ject to consolidate the insurance companies owned by govern-
       insurance companies owned by government Lenders under a  ment Lenders under a single roof, as we have taken over the
       single roof as a part of the reforms planned for the insurance  shares of those companies owned by the government lenders
       and pension market in order to develop the savings base of  and other related parties in exchange for an investment of
       Turkish economy and non-bank financial industry, and within  6.54 billion TL.
       the scope of the New Economy Program by the Ministry of
       Treasury and Finance.                                 This project, which originally aimed to bring a more dynamic
                                                             and robust structure to insurance market, is also regarded as
       As our subsidiary, TWF Financial Investment Company has  a strong move for our missions to finance Turkey’s strategic
       so far acquired the shares of Güneş Sigorta AŞ, Halk Sig-  investments and support improvement and deepening of fi-
       orta AŞ, Ziraat Sigorta AŞ, Vakıf Emeklilik ve Hayat AŞ,  nancial markets.
       Halk Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ, and Ziraat Hayat ve Emeklilik
       AŞ that were previously owned by government Lenders and  We will keep informing the public on developments about this
       other related parties within the scope of this project. Details  project.”
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