Page 24 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 24

24 pension outlook

                       Number of BES participants by company (2023 fourth quarter)

                   1.427.673  1.361.270

                                 834.434  472.098  259.527  256.355  197.816  116.904  99.097  92.569


         Türkiye  Anadolu  Garanti  AgeSA  Katılım NN Hayat Metlife  BNP  HDI Fiba  Allianz  Allianz  Bereket  QNB 51.165  Axa HayatViennalife
         Hayat ve  Hayat  Emeklilik Hayat ve Emeklilik  ve  Emeklilik Paribas Emeklilik Yaşam ve Hayat ve Emeklilik  Sağlık  ve  Emeklilik
        Emeklilik Emeklilik ve Hayat Emeklilik ve Hayat Emeklilik ve Hayat  Cardif  ve Hayat Emeklilik Emeklilik ve Hayat  Hayat  Emeklilik ve Hayat
          A.Ş.   A.Ş.   A.Ş.   A.Ş.   A.Ş.   A.Ş.   A.Ş.  Emeklilik  A.Ş.  A.Ş.  A.Ş.  A.Ş.  Sigorta ve  A.Ş.  A.Ş.
                                                           A.Ş.                              Emeklilik

       in the system with automatic participation increased by 94.91%  its leadership in the total number of participants in the BES as in
       over the same period and amounted to 49 billion 972 million TL.   previous periods. In this period, the total number of participants of
                                                               the company was seen as 2 million 452 thousand people, while the
       At last quarter of the year, the number of participants who retired  sector company had 28.28% of the total number of participants.
       from the BES was 265 thousand people, and the amount of the  Anadolu Hayat ve Emeklilik took the second place in this period
       BES state contribution fund was 77 billion 750 million TL. How-  with a share of 1 million 427 thousand participants and a number
       ever, the number of OKS employers turned out to be 258 thou-  of participants of 16.46%, while Garanti Emeklilik ve Hayat took
       sand people, and the amount of the OKS state contribution fund  the third place with a share of 1 million 361 thousand participants
       amounted to 3 billion 180 million TL.                   and a participant of 15.7%.

       At the end of 2023, Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik continued its leader-  The company with the highest number of participants included
       ship in the total number of participants in the Individual Pension  in the system through automatic enrollment was Türkiye Hayat
       System (BES) with 2 million 452 thousand participants. With a  ve Emeklilik A.Ş. with 2 million 564 thousand participants and
       total fund size of 122 billion 639 million TL, AgeSA Hayat ve  a  market  share  of  27.5%.  Garanti  Emeklilik  ve  Hayat  ranked
       Emeklilik also maintained its leadership position”      second with 1 million 631 thousand participants and a share of
                                                               17.5%, while Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik ranked third with 1 mil-
       At the end of the of 2023, Türkiye Hayat ve Emeklilik maintained  lion 432 thousand participants and a share of 15.37%.

                        Number of OKS participants by company (2023 fourth quarter)

                    1.631.273  1.432.843  1.074.798


                                                     359.738  346.897  320.926  290.460  146.990  145.186  26.746

         Türkiye  Garanti  Anadolu  AgeSA  Allianz  Katılım  HDI Fiba  Metlife  BNP  Axa Hayat QNB Sağlık Bereket NN Hayat
        Hayat ve Emeklilik  Hayat  Hayat ve Yaşam ve Emeklilik Emeklilik Emeklilik  Paribas  ve  Hayat  Emeklilik  ve
        Emeklilik ve Hayat Emeklilik Emeklilik Emeklilik ve Hayat ve Hayat ve Hayat  Cardif  Emeklilik Sigorta ve ve Hayat Emeklilik
          A.Ş.    A.Ş.    A.Ş.    A.Ş.     A.Ş.    A.Ş.    A.Ş.    A.Ş.  Emeklilik  A.Ş.  Emeklilik  A.Ş.   A.Ş.
                                                                           A.Ş.            A.Ş.
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