Page 19 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 19


        In the third quarter of the year, the total premium production in the insurance sector

        increased by 123% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 328 bil-
        lion 210 million Turkish Liras. During this period, liability and vehicle insurance played
        a prominent role in premium production, with the most significant increase in premium
        production observed in the accident and health insurance branches

        According to the data announced by the Insurance Association  with a total premium production of 28 billion 491 million Turkish
        of Turkey (T.S.B.) at the end of September 2023, the total pre-  Liras and a market share of 8.68%. During this period, AXA Sig-
        mium production in the insurance sector increased by 123.41%  orta ranked fourth with a total premium production of 19 billion
        compared to the third quarter of 2022 and reached 328 billion  767 million Turkish Liras and a market share of 6.02%. HDI
        210 million TL. During this period, the premium production in  Sigorta ranked fifth with a total premium production of 17 billion
        non-life branches increased by 128.53% to TL 288 billion 662  981 million Turkish Liras and a market share of 5.48%.
        million, while the premium production in the life branch increased
        by 92.01% to TL 39 billion 548 million.                During this period, the top 5 companies that generated the high-
                                                               est premiums in the non-life branches remained unchanged from
        In the third quarter of the year, the branch with the highest pre-  the previous period. They are listed as Türkiye Sigorta, Allianz
        mium production, accounting for 27.42% of the total premium  Sigorta, Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi, AXA Sigorta and
        production in the sector, was general liability insurance, which  HDI Sigorta.
        includes land, air, water vehicles. During this period, total vehi-
        cle insurance, including land, air, water, and rail vehicles, came  In the life insurance branch, the ranking of the top 5 companies
        in second place with a 18.56% share, and the health insurance  remained  unchanged  from  the  first  quarter.  Türkiye  Hayat  ve
        branch ranked third with 14.05%. During this period, the share  Emeklilik, AgeSA Hayat ve Emeklilik, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik,
        of the fire and natural disasters branch was 12.88%, the life in-  Viennalife Emeklilik ve Hayat, Allianz Yaşam ve Emeklilik con-
        surance branch had a share of 12.05%, general damages branch  stituted the top 5 companies in the life insurance branch.
        had a share of 8.81%, the accident branch had a share of 2.37%,
        and the transportation branch had a share of 1.39%.
                                                                         Shares of branches in general
        In the first 9 months of 2023, the highest increase in premium        premium production
        production was observed in the accident branch. In this sec-
        tor, while the increase in premium production is observed as                2,37%
        172.75%, health insurance ranked second among the branches
        with the highest increase in premium production during this pe-          2,47%  1,39%
        riod with 149.12%. The increase in premium production in the
        fire and natural disasters branch was realized as 144.84%. There
        was an increase of 128.36% in liability insurances, 109.59% in           8,81%
        vehicle insurances, 106.81% in general damages, 92.01% in life                          27,42%
        branch, and 70.26% in transportation branch.                         12,05%

        “Türkiye Sigorta A.Ş. completed the first half
        of the year as the leader with a total premium                        12,88%            18,56%
        production of 24 billion 402 million TL and a
        market share of 11.60%.”                                                      14,05%

        As of the end of September, in the overall premium production   LIABILITY INSURANCE    VEHICLE INSURANCES
        ranking in both life and non-life branches, Türkiye Sigorta A.Ş.   ILLNESS-HEALTH      FIRE AND NATURAL DISASTERS
        continued to hold the first position with a total premium produc-
        tion of 38 billion 697 million Turkish Liras and a market share   LIFE                 GENERAL LOSSES
        of 11.79%. During this period, Allianz Sigorta maintained its   OTHER                  ACCIDENT
        second  position  with  a  total  premium  production  of  31  billion
        101 million Turkish Liras and a market share of 9.48%. Anadolu   TRANSPORTATION
        Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi continued to hold the third position
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