Page 21 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 21


     In the second quarter of 2021, total premium production of insurance market is 5 billion

     408 million USD. Liability insurance had the highest share in total premium production
     with 24.85% as in previous periods, while the largest increase in premium production in
     this period was in the general losses branch

     According to the statistics announced by the Insurance Associa-  production of 344 million 480 thousand USD, and AXA Sigorta
     tion of Turkey (TSB) at the end of June, 2021, total premium  ranked fifth with a premium production of 274 million 823 thou-
     production of Turkish insurance market stood at 5 billion 408  sand USD and a market share of 5.08%.
     million USD with a decrease of 7.67% compared to 2020Q2.
     (Total production increased by 17.11% on TL basis. USD-based  During this period, top 5 companies in non-life insurance pre-
     figures decreased due to the exchange rate difference. USD/TRY  mium  production  were  listed  as  Türkiye  Sigorta  AŞ,  Anadolu
     30.06.2021=8.7089; 30.06.2020=6.8658)                    Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi, Allianz Sigorta, AkSigorta, AXA
     During this period, premium production of non-life branches is 4
     billion 526 million USD and life branch premium production is  On the other hand, top 5 companies of life insurance premiums
     882 million USD.                                         were listed as Türkiye Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ, AgeSA Hayat ve
                                                              Emeklilik, Allianz Yaşam ve Emeklilik, Anadolu Hayat Emekli-
     At  the  end  of  first  half  of  2021,  liability  insurance  produced  lik, Aegon Emeklilik ve Hayat.
     highest  amount  of  premiums  with  a  share  of  24.85%  in  total
     premium production of the market. Life insurance followed as
     second  with  a  share  of  16.32%,  and  vehicle  insurance  ranked
     third with a share of 13.93%. During this period, the share of the   Market shares of insurance companies
     health branch is 13.64%; the share of the fire and natural disas-
     ters branch is 13.10%; the share of the general losses branch is
     12.39%; the share of the accident branch is 2.27%; the share of
     the transport branch is 1.73%.                                                           11,49%
     Compared to the same period of the previous year, the largest
     increase in premium production on the basis of branches occurred                                  10,19%
     in transportation, vehicle insurance, Fire and natural disasters,
     general losses, Health, responsibility and life branches, while the
     decrease occurred in the accident branch.
     “Türkiye Sigorta A.Ş. closed the year as market                     19,87%
     leader with a premium production of 621 million
     USD, and a market share of 11.49%”                                                                6,37%

     At the end of the second quarter of the year, Türkiye Sigorta
     A.Ş. ranked first in overall market premium production (includ-        3,02%
     ing  both  life  and  non-life  premiums),  with  a  premium  produc-                       4,36%
     tion of 621 million 672 thousand USD, and a market share of             3,04%   3,05% 3,66%
     11.49%. While Anadolu Anonim Turkish Sigorta followed close-  Türkiye Sigorta AŞ      Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi
     ly with premium production of 551 million 360 thousand USD,   Allianz Sigorta AŞ      Aksigorta AŞ
     and  a  market  share  of  10.19%,  Allianz  Sigorta  ranked  third,   Axa Sigorta AŞ  HDI Sigorta AŞ
     its premium production reaching 517 million 500 thousand USD   Türkiye Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ  Sompo Sigorta AŞ
     and market share standing at 9.57%. Aksigorta ranked fourth   Mapfre Sigorta AŞ       Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta AŞ
     with a market share of 6.37%, which corresponds to a premium   Next 10 companies      Following companies
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