Page 15 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 15
Developing technologies and the digital in line with agility, digitalization and cus- sition, product innovation and pricing. In
transformation that is becoming more and tomer focus, especially over the past few October, it can provide more accurate in-
more involved in the working world have years. These efforts were further acceler- surance and better claims management,
also brought about the need for new com- ated due to the need during the pandemic and it can also benefit fraud detection and
petence for employees. According to our period, and the long-standing concern and risk management.
report, 59% of employees want training to debate over the digitisation of distribution
improve their remote work and online meet- also came to an end. Now, the focus needs Digital transformation programs focus on
ing skills, while 58% want online training to be on further developing these initial customer-facing interactions with invest-
and development platforms to be. 25% of gains and expanding the scope of transfor- ments aimed largely at digitalization, inte-
Generation Y employees say that planning mation efforts to deliver personalized expe- gration and re-platforming of legacy data
for future learning and talent development riences to more customers. systems. Automation of insurance process-
changes greatly, and 49% moderately. es was a necessity to adapt to the world
These steps are critical to addressing prob- of remote work. Automated workflows,
What are the pros of hybrid systems on lems that are negatively reflected in the smarter data retrieval, and document man-
an employee basis? experience of many insurance customers. agement solutions will help insurers make
Retail companies, financial institutions and stronger risk decisions and more accurate
It is understood that the environment of e-commerce platforms are in close commu- pricing.
uncertainty created by the COVID-19 cri- nication with their customers. Insurance
sis also greatly affected employees' sense companies can turn to providing services/ Is the transition to flexible working
of trust in their institutions. 43% of em- products embedded in this sectors with models interpreted differently, espe-
ployees say that their sense of trust in their which the customer has a regular relation- cially for different age groups? Which
institutions has changed during this period. ship, thus making themselves more attrac- generations seem more keen on flexible
Various measures, such as ensuring em- tive in the eyes of the customer. working systems?
ployee safety, increasing internal commu-
nication and implementing employee sup- The COVID-19 pandemic caused investors,
port programs, are important for dealing “The quest for increased employers and employees to rewrite their
with the effects of the crisis in order to flexibility, especially in the plans, as well as greatly affected students'
maintain employee confidence and com- future plans. 63 percent of students say
mitment during times of crisis. In addition, next generation, encourages that the COVID-19 period and the acceler-
motivating and keeping employees connect- organizations to offer their ation in digitalization have led to changes
ed in remote working conditions requires in their career planning. The main reasons
different leadership competencies than be- employees mixed work for this include the development or deci-
fore COVID-19. models that cover office and mation of certain sectors due to changing
What will hybrid systems bring to com- remote work” customer demands during and after COV-
ID-19, and emerging technologies.
panies in the near future?
64 percent of students, who are future
It is necessary to emphasize that the COV- In order for this strategy to realize its po- players in the working world, believe that
ID-19 process will have a long-term impact tential, insurance companies need to digi- digitalization and technological develop-
on the entire value chain, as well as have a tize their products and the experience they ments will contribute to a more efficient
positive impact on some sectors and a neg- offer, and to complement their partners' and effective working world. 66 percent of
ative impact on some sectors. It seems that processes and platforms in a natural way. students think that with digitalization, the
these effects accelerate current trends in These types of solutions will support ap- need for new competencies will increase. In
the working world, as well as pioneer many plication programming interfaces (APIs), this context, digital competencies such as
innovations. In this time of uncertainty, it software development kits (SDKs), and In- data analytics and applications, design-ori-
is more important than ever to maintain ternet of Things (IoT) connected sensors to ented thinking and cloud technologies are
the trust and commitment of employees. make risk avoidance and protection a part at the top of the competencies that students
Meeting the expectations of the young pop- of everyday life. However, some insurance want to acquire to invest in the future.
ulation is decidedly critical to adapting to companies may also install InsurTech plat-
the rapidly changing working world. In- forms. In this way, they can combine and Recently, you had a survey study for
stitutions that dynamically plan the labor distribute their own products and related flexible working. What do the survey re-
force during the crisis, understand custom- third-party products, as well as participate sults tell us in this area?
er needs, have the ability to make quick in third-party decks.
decisions and are open to change are pos- In long term, a new working world dom-
itively divided as institutions that respond This more digital and customer-focused inated by technology awaits us. In this
effectively to the crisis. approach brings some advantages in tra- context, it is more than a choice for insti-
ditional customer acquisition and growth tutions to take some action in order to en-
In the insurance sector, we also see that strategies, such as partnering with interest sure business continuity and adapt to the
the transition to hybrid work is accel- groups and other intermediaries to distrib- new normal. Reshaping the organizational
erating. How can this improve business ute standardized products. Specifically, chart, developing new roles and processes
processes in the future of the sector? artificial intelligence-based and embedded based on increased flexibility and remote
products can be used to obtain more data access stand out as elements that should be
Insurance companies have taken bold steps to strengthen customer knowledge acqui- on the agenda of institutions.