Page 21 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 21


                                                              Vehicles have become autonomous, and
                                                              we will also discuss cyber risks in motor

                                                              According  to  insurers,  as  autonomous  vehicles  continue  to  in-
                                                              crease, cyber risks will also be discussed in motor insurance. Cy-
                                                              ber attacks have increased three to four times in recent years.
                                                              Hackers  are  rapidly  advancing  their  skills.  Within  an  average
                                                              of 5 years, we will be discussing cyber risks in motor insurance
                                                              because  vehicles  have  become  autonomous.  Today,  there  are
                                                              hackers who can hack into airplanes. This poses a threat to these
                                                              vehicles as well. Considering all these factors, insurers believe
                                                              that motor insurance will inevitably become intertwined with cy-
                                                              ber products in the future.

                                                              In Chubb’s article on Catastrophic Cyber Risks, the situation is
                                                              expressed as follows:

                                                              “Just like pandemics, cyber incidents can lead to losses that are
                                                              not limited by time or geography. This is no longer a theoretical
                                                              concept. Unlike previously occurring sudden destructive events,
                                                              we are witnessing a continuous escalation of cyber risks. Know-
                                                              ing  this  in  advance  provides  an  opportunity  to  establish  cyber
                                                              protection and economic measures before the risk occurs.

                                                              In recent years, with the coverage of losses incurred by numerous
                                                              institutions worldwide under the protection of insurance compa-
                                                              nies following significant cyber incidents, the cyber insurance
                                                              service has been fully realized. In today’s world, basic coverages
                                                              that encompass intervention expenses for cyber attack incidents,
                                                              first-party cyber risk, third-party cyber liability, and profession-
                                                              al liability/errors and omissions provide significant risk transfer
     cyber risks. The report stated, “Geopolitical instability increases   and risk management solutions to all organizations, regardless
     concerns about cybersecurity risks: The escalation of geopolitical   of scale or industry. Furthermore, cyber risk management servic-
     tension and the increasing digitalization raise concerns about po-  es offered by insurance companies have contributed significantly
     tential large-scale cyber attacks. Cybersecurity risks continue to   to helping companies reduce their risks and improve their front-
     be among the most significant risk factors in this year’s report.”  end technological measures. On the other hand, incident response
                                                              teams have been effective in enabling companies to get back on-
     Insurance is also required for individual                line in a shorter time after a cyber incident.
     risks                                                    Despite organizations becoming more knowledgeable about cyber
                                                              risks and their consequences, cyber incidents and threats contin-
     Experts  state  that  cybersecurity  insurance  provides  protection   ue to increase and evolve. In 2020, over 18,000 new software
     against digital risks such as identity theft, theft, and password theft,   vulnerabilities were disclosed, nearly three times the number in
     which we have encountered frequently in the last two years. They   2015, and this number continues to rise. Additionally, approx-
     emphasize  that  cyber  insurance  also  provides  individual  security   imately 1.2 million new malicious software threats were identi-
     against these risks. Industry officials highlight that cybersecurity   fied in 2020, more than double the number recorded in 2015.
     insurance will be one of the fastest-growing sectors in the next 10   Furthermore, 85% of successful security breaches in 2020 in-
     years.                                                   volved a human element, such as social engineering practices.”
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